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Conversion of managed turf lawn area to native grasses and wildflowers provides immediate and diverse environmental benefits, including wildlife habitat, pollinator food sources, water quality improvement, reduced mowing and greenhouse gas emissions, and natural beauty.
"Meadows are plant communities comprised mostly of herbaceous (non-woody) plants. The open, sunny areas attract an abundance of wildlife from small mammals and grassland birds to their predators like hawks and owls. These areas are important for nesting, food, shelter and even courtship displays. Despite their importance, the number of meadows around Maryland has declined. However, you can create meadow habitat in your backyard to help increase the survival of species which depend on this unique habitat.
Once established, meadows attract more wildlife and require less maintenance than lawns. In addition, meadows need less water and little to no fertilizer, saving you time and money as well as greening your landscape." (MD Dep't Nat. Resources)
Regardless of whether you're considering establishing a 10'x10' butterfly garden or acres of meadow, any conversion of lawn to native plants is beneficial to honey bees, native pollinators, other wildlife, and water quality.
Pollinator Organizations and Information:
Native Plant and Seed Sources:
Information you may find useful in considering conversion of an area of lawn or management of farms for pollinator-friendly habitat.